Do You Love Your Mondays?
I saw someone post something like, get up, dress up, show up and even Monday will feel like a Friday. I sort of rolled my eyes and then thought. Well, maybe I just wish that wasn't true. So I could keep my excuses for when I want them.
The truth is that I don't really have a problem with Mondays, or getting up, for that matter. This hasn't always been the case. In fact, it wasn't even the case that long ago. I was in a pattern of staying up late and on my phone or out or busy (at least mentally) until well past 10pm. You know I joined CrossFit. The best time for me to go is 6:45am, which means I need to be rolling out of bed to stop my alarm about 5:45. I do it. And I often am lying half awake for 30 minutes before it sounds. What changed? I used the plan for accountable morning movement (AKA CrossFit) to get in bed early with a good book. I love this time now. I cozy up and write in my journal. Currently I am writing an abundance list, not just a gratitude list, but a list of where my cup runneth over. It's helpful because it is helping me to see the true gifts in my life, especially at times full of doubt and uncertainty about next steps. Then, I dive in to read a chapter or three before turning out the light.
I think the trick for me to waking up with ease, is going to bed with ease. Yes, I can have a great day without an easeful evening routine, but it takes some serious might to get me rolling if the night before was tough in anyway. The more I can do to set myself up for an easy morning, the more likely I am to Love My Monday....and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, too! Love Your Monday Podcast
Starting this past week I am releasing a weekly bonus episode on the Fearless Self-Love Podcast, called, "Love Your Monday." Each episode will be a short 10 minutes and give you something good to chew on for the week. The topics will vary and sometimes it will just be me, while other times I'll share space with another insightful human. As you know (if you listen to the show), we finished season 1!!!! And season 2 starts in June. This May interlude is not the only time you'll get these bonus Love Your Monday episodes, they'll continue in Season 2 when the long form interviews return the first week in June.
And OMGoodness I cannot wait to share those with you. I have been interviewing some AMAZING folks. It's going to be an insightful, vulnerable, ear-catching season folks! If there is someone you want me to interview, send them my way:) And as you brainstorm, have a listen to the first Love Your Monday bonus episode, "3 Tips to Boost Metabolism"
Here's to loving your Mondays & moving 1 step closer to accomplishing your dreams in 2018! In Love, Andrea Catherine Yoga Health Coach